
Welcome to my Hair Blog..

I created this blog to help me stay motivated on my journey and provide informative articles, videos, reviews for others going through their journey; whether you are a Newbie, like me or a Pro you may find the information helpful. I am planning on showing my journey from start to maintenance. I’ll share my shameful mistakes, my biggest failures and my graceful success.

Good luck to all and enjoy


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Essential Oils

Natural Oils and butters benefits of each

I wanted to add a little section about some natural oils I have heard people rave about on Hairlista and I just wanted to have a spot you can contrast and compare, pick and choose which one suits your hair needs.

Castor Oil:
-Moisturizes hair and scalp
- promotes thickness and growth

Coconut Oil:
-helps with hair loss
- rejuvenates scalp
-maintains high moisture because it doesn't break down easy
- Helps with dandruff issues.

Jojoba Oil:
-has the same qualities as the Sebum oil we naturally produce resulting in hair that is less prone to tangles dryness and split ends.
-helps with hair loss
-improves follicle growth and scalp stimulation
- softens hair.

Shea Butter:
-provides moisture
-protects against weather damage.
-Restores luster
-Prevents Dry and itchy scalp
-Strengthen roots

Olive Oil:
-prevent hair loss
-treat dandruff
-promotes overall scalp health
-makes hair shiny and soft
-kills head lice

Peppermint Oil:
-balances scalp PH levels
- normalizes scalps oil production
-treats dry hair
-relieves itching
- can be paired with other essential oils e.g Castor oil
- tingling sensation stimulates scalp for faster hair growth

*You should mix peppermint oil with other essential oils, rule of thumb is about 4 drops of peppermint oil in each cup of product

Eucalyptus Oil
-stimulates scalp
-revitalizes dull hair
-increases hairs luster and elasticity
-promotes hair growth
-gets rid of dandruff

and my own discovery...
Emu Oil:
-helps with hair loss
-frontal hair growth
-quickens cell regeneration including the growth phase of the hair cycle

That's my oil list for now and as usual I will add upon request or if I stumble across something else.

Deuces and Happy growing!


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